又古又潮!长沙老街新潮范儿圈粉外国友人 Old Yet Trendy! Changsha's Historic Streets Attract Foreign Friends with Fashionable Vibe

  湖南日报·新湖南客户端   2024-11-12 15:03:49

湖南日报 ·新湖南客户端11月12日讯( 记者冯宇轩) 麻石街、清水砖墙、老式公馆、咖啡店、创意市集、新派餐饮 ……长沙这座城市如何将历史韵味与现代潮流巧妙交织? 11 11 日一群来自法国、英国、澳大利亚、马来西亚、巴西、尼日利亚、伊朗的外国专家、学者和媒体人走进长沙老街体验长沙“潮生活”。

  Stone Streets, Clear Brick Walls, Old Mansions, Coffee Shops, Creative Markets, New-Style Dining... How Does Changsha Weave History and Modern Trendy Culture Together?On November 11, a group of foreign experts, scholars, and journalists from France, the UK, Australia, Malaysia, Brazil, Nigeria, and Iran visited Changsha's historic streets to experience the "trendy life" of the city.


“I was photographing the scenery on the street, and the people on the street were photographing me.”

一巷一景,一店一味,外国友人一行先后到访了潮宗街历史文化街区 、丰泉古井社区等地,第一次来湖南的外国友人们表示很好奇,忍不住走进各个特色小店仔细探索,来自英国伦敦的独立作家 Fiona (菲欧娜)是个热爱潮流时尚的年轻人,她在长沙的老街里感受到深厚的历史文化,“老街融合了创新设计,让游客拥有了独特的体验”。走走停停在长沙逛了一天后,她总结“今天不停在拍照,长沙真好玩,我发现不是我在街上拍风景,就是街上的人在拍我,我已经成了这个美丽城市的一部分。”

Every alley tells a story, and each shop has its own unique flavor. The group visited the Chaodong Street Historic Cultural District and the Fengquan Ancient Well Community, where the foreign visitors, many visiting Hunan for the first time, were curious and couldn't resist exploring the various specialty shops. Fiona, an independent writer from London, is passionate about fashion and trends. She was deeply impressed by the rich history and culture of Changsha's old streets. "The old streets blend innovative design, offering visitors a unique experience," she said. After a day of strolling and stopping around Changsha, she summed up her experience, "I kept taking photos all day, and Changsha is so fun! I realized that either I was photographing the scenery on the street, or the people on the street were photographing me. I've already become part of this beautiful city."


“Though it’s my first time here, I’ve always been paying attention to Hunan.”

长沙的老街里还融入了人文气息和历史脉动。在丰泉古井社区的湖南和平解放史事陈列馆里, 来自澳大利亚的的江诗伦教授饶有兴致地观看展品,听着关于湖南革命历史的讲解,她自豪地向记者介绍起她与湖南的缘分, “我在学术论文里提出了中非合作的湖南模式”,因为她是研究中非关系领域的外国学者, 她一到湖南,就马上赶去高桥大市场参观了中非经贸合作促进创新示范园,她如数家珍地掏出手机展示自己关注的湖南日报海外平台账号,“湖南日报关于非洲的报道,成为了我研究参考的一部分资料,我经常刷你们的新闻!”

Changsha's old streets also carry a strong cultural and historical pulse. At the Hunan Peace Liberation History Exhibition Hall in the Fengquan Ancient Well Community, Professor Jiang Shilun from Australia was fascinated by the exhibits and listened attentively to the explanation of Hunan's revolutionary history. Proudly, she introduced her academic connection to Hunan. "I proposed the Hunan model of China-Africa cooperation in my academic papers," she said. As a scholar researching China-Africa relations, she immediately visited the High Bridge Market to see the China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Innovation Demonstration Park. She excitedly pulled out her phone to show the Hunan Daily overseas platform account she follows. "Hunan Daily’s reports on Africa have become part of my research materials, and I often check your news!"


“Chinese cities are creating new living experiences.”

吃吃喝喝逛逛对于年轻人来说,就是完美的一天。来自马来西亚的自媒体人伊丽娜逛了一天长沙的潮流小巷,她一直忍不住感叹 So cute!( 太可爱了)”,她走走停停打卡各类甜品、茶饮、料理、小酒吧、汉服等特色店铺。作为一名咖啡控,来自澳大利亚的的江诗伦教授漫步在丰泉古井社区里发现了几家设计精巧氛围舒适的咖啡店,她饶有兴致地听老板介绍这里的特色饮品,“这才是人生,端起香浓的咖啡看着外面怡人的街景,真好!”她还 跟随记者走进游客云集的长沙文和友,品尝臭豆腐、葱油饼、口味虾这些湖南特色美食。看到文和友店里别具一格的装潢 风格,她感叹中国人的设计能力太出色了,能把复古与潮流相融合,不论是在饮食还是游玩体验上,“中国的生活是走在时代前沿的”。

For young people, a perfect day is all about food, drinks, and shopping. Irina, a self-media influencer from Malaysia, spent a day exploring Changsha’s trendy alleys, repeatedly exclaiming "So cute!" as she visited various dessert shops, tea spots, restaurants, bars, and Hanfu stores. Professor Jiang Shilun from Australia, a coffee enthusiast, found several well-designed, cozy cafes in the Fengquan Ancient Well Community. She was intrigued by the owner’s introduction to their specialty drinks. "This is life—holding a rich cup of coffee and enjoying the beautiful street view outside. It’s wonderful!" She also followed the journalist to the popular Wenhuiyou in Changsha, where she tasted local delicacies like stinky tofu, scallion pancakes, and spicy crayfish. Impressed by the unique decor style of Wenhuiyou, she marveled at the outstanding design ability of the Chinese, blending retro and trendy styles, whether in food or leisure experiences. "Life in China is truly at the forefront of the times."

旅途的意外之处便是在寻常的街头巷尾发现惊喜。外国友人们透过历史遗迹、创意店铺和潮流文化,切身感受长沙这座城市的包容与开放。 而长沙,正以其独特的 “新潮范儿”吸引着世界各地的游客。

The unexpected delights of travel often come from finding surprises in ordinary streets and alleys. Through historical sites, creative shops, and trendy culture, the foreign visitors personally experienced Changsha's inclusivity and openness. Changsha, with its unique "trendiness," is increasingly attracting tourists from all over the world.





