新华网 2016-01-16 10:15:02
↑ 习近平的反腐词典。 陆烨制图
十八大以来,中国反腐败斗争持续发力,备受海外关注,中共中央总书记习近平的反腐话语,因其不言自明的重要性和鲜明的语言特色而成为众多英文媒体中的quotable quotes。
英国《卫报》2013年报道中纪委二次全会时就用了powerful leaders和lowly bureaucrats来解释老虎和苍蝇:
China's president-in-waiting, Xi Jinping, has vowed to crack down on both "tigers" and "flies" – powerful leaders and lowly bureaucrats – in his campaign against corruption and petty officialdom.(习近平在他领导的反腐斗争中表示要坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,既要针对位高权重的领导也要针对低层官僚。)
彭博社在2014年9月24日的一篇报道中也采取了类似的办法:So far, Xi’s campaign to net both “tigers and flies,” parlance for cadres from the top to bottom ranks, has ensnared more than 480 officials, spanning all of China’s provinces and largest cities. (目前,习近平领导的反腐斗争,打“虎”拍“蝇”——指自上而下不同级别的官员——已经让480多名官员落马,涵盖了所有的省份和几个最大城市。)
《华尔街日报》的理解是这样的:老虎指的是那些一般意义上被认为是“动不得”的官员politicians thought to be untouchable, known in the parlance of the campaign as “tigers”。而苍蝇指的是级别比较低的官员,但对普通人的影响更为直接:lower-level officials – referred to as “flies”—may telegraph the seriousness of the campaign more directly to ordinary citizens.
其实“‘老虎’、‘苍蝇’一起打”这句话里面的“打”字,媒体也翻得挺考究的,风格不尽相同,《卫报》用了“crack down on”,属严肃体;彭博社用了“net”,简洁生动。
这句的指代比较明确,笼子是制度扎成的,新华社相关报道是这样的:“Power should be restricted by the cage of regulations.”
《经济学人》2014年9月的一则报道中用了”lock power in a cage”。
The 61-year-old leader reiterated his "zero-tolerance" stance, vowing to keep "waving high the sword against corruption" and "fastening the cage of regulations."
The style in which you work is no small matter, and if we don't redress unhealthy tendencies and allow them to develop, it will be like putting up a wall between our party and the people, and we will lose our roots, our lifeblood and our strength, Xi told a meeting of the party's top anti-graft body.(工作作风上的问题绝对不是小事,如果不坚决纠正不良风气,任其发展下去,就会像一座无形的墙把我们党和人民群众隔开,我们党就会失去根基、失去血脉、失去力量。)
新华社在报道时把重点放在了猛药去疴和壮士断腕两个典故上:Describing the problem as "a disease that calls for powerful drugs," Xi urged all Party members to continue the fight against corruption until the end with the resolution and courage depicted in an ancient Chinese idiom where a man has to cut off his own snake-bitten wrist to save his life.
英国《每日电讯报》2014年 12月的一篇报道则把注意力集中在刮骨疗毒和壮士断腕上:Show courage to scrape the toxins off the bones and act with the bravery to cut off one's own wrist.
数字往往是最亮眼的,新华社的版本将“零容忍”放在了开头,用“making sure” “no one”来强调反腐之严:The CPC had taken a zero tolerance stance when dealing with corrupt members, making sure no one was above sanctions and that government officials "dare not, can not and do not want to [be] corrupt".
彭博在2015年1月一篇关于中纪委五中全会的报道中将反腐的高压态势与零容忍并列:Xi vowed to maintain “high pressure” and “zero tolerance” on graft this year, as corruption “has not vanished” and “temptations still remain”。
德国之声的版本深得汉语的简洁和精髓:This is why in the final communiqué of their mid-January meeting they stressed there was "no border and no taboo, but zero tolerance" in the war against corruption.”
There can be no rest or turning back in our anti-corruption drive.
日本的外交学者网站在2015年7月2日的一篇网文中直接用了”The anti-corruption campaign will not stop”。
“开弓没有回头箭,我们将继续坚定不移实现改革目标,风雨无阻,勇往直前。”Like an arrow shot that can not be brought back, we will forge ahead against all odds to meet our goals of reform.
《南华早报》的版本更全面,里面不仅有“箭”,还有“弓”:An arrow will never return once it’s shot by a bow. (出自《南华早报》2015年12月文章)
习近平在2013年5月4日同各界优秀青年代表座谈时引用清代诗论家袁枚的《续诗品》中的“学如弓弩,才如箭簇”鼓励青年要练就过硬本领。Forbes将其翻译为: Learning is the bow, while competence is the arrow.
新华社:President Xi Jinping has stressed that the country is gaining ground to overcome corruption, assuring the entire Communist Party of China of the impact and future of the campaign.
关于如何处理这个“压倒性态势正在形成”,双语君的同事颇费了一番功夫,考虑过“overwhelming”“overcome”“landslide victory”等表述,最后经过和外专的探讨,处理成了“gaining ground”。
“Gaining ground”颇有攻城略地,清风扫落叶之感。在当天的报道中,路透社也使用了这个用法,直接用在了题目中”China’s anti-graft drive gaining ground, president says”。
新华社是这么说的:To forge iron, one must be strong, Xi said, citing a traditional Chinese proverb to underline the Party’s resolve to become corruption-free.(习近平引用了一句传统中国谚语来强调中共清除腐败的决心,说“打铁还需自身硬”。)
路透社的报道基本原封不动地采用了新华社的翻译:"To forge iron, one must be strong," he said, using a traditional proverb to underline the party's resolve.
路透社的文章也继续写道,Since the anti-corruption campaign began, the party tackled the issue of being too lenient in supervising its members, and has tried building a system where officials "do not dare, are not able, and are unwilling to be corrupt", Xi added.
Those efforts are starting to pay off, with an atmosphere forming where officials are "unable and unwilling to engage in corruption", he said.(习近平表示,自从新一轮的反腐斗争开展以来,中国共产党着力解决管党治党失之于宽、失之于松、失之于软的问题,使不敢腐的震慑作用充分发挥,不能腐、不想腐的效应初步显现……。)
The anti-corruption campaign has increased the people's confidence in and support of the party, and has been highly appraised by them. (反腐败增强了人民群众对党的信任和支持,人民群众给予高度评价)