Changsha | Scenery of Changsha

  湖南省人民政府网站   2018-10-27 09:53:07

The city can be holy with the presence of water, and Songyahu National Wetland Park enjoys a superior natural environment. Every year, migratory birds stophere, and it is also a popular park that residents of Xingsha appreciate most. 城市有水则灵,松雅湖国家湿地公园自然环境优越,每年都有候鸟在此歇脚,也是星沙人民最爱去的大公园。(来源:湖南省人民政府网站)

On March 6th, 2017, the 2nd Hanpu Rape Flower Festival was opened at Wozhiyuan Ecological Farm in the breeze, attracting the first batch of visitors in theearly spring. The splendid environment, the original ecological food and the simple and unadorned country life all demenstrate the beauty of Hanpu. And the buffalo grazing on the river bank and the wildflowers on the banksof the embankment tell us the approaching of spring. 2017年3月6日,春风和煦,“田园山水,诗画含浦”第二届含浦油菜花节在沃之园生态农庄开幕,含浦的油菜花基地迎来了开春的第一波游客。环境的绿色、美食的原生态、乡韵生活的质朴感是含浦响当当的“名片”,河畔吃草的水牛和河堤星点的野花都能成为镜头中春色的焦点。(来源:湖南省人民政府网站)

The Pedestrian Street of Huangxing Road is one of the most prosperous places in Changsha. The pedestrian street, rennovated in 2002, starts from Simenkouin Furong District in the north, and ends at Nanmenkou in the south. 黄兴路步行街是长沙市最繁华的地段之一。是一条于2002年修缮竣工的步行商业街。北起芙蓉区司门口,南到南门口。(来源:湖南省人民政府网站)

On all important holidays, fireworks will be set off on the Orange Isle, which attracts numerous domestic and foreign tourists and citizens to watch and has become a landmark event of Changsha. 每逢重要节假日,橘子洲燃放绚丽多彩的烟花,吸引了无数国内外游客和市民观赏,成为长沙一张靓丽的城市名片。(来源:湖南省人民政府网站)

As the first national New Area in central China, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area serves an important platform of promoting the rise of the central China, boostingthe development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and accelerating the process of opening up of inland areas, with the important mission of “Three Zones and One Area”. In 2017, Xiangjiang New Area achieved a GDP of 220.885billion yuan. The photograph shows the Meixihu Arts Center in Hunan Xiangjiang New Area. 湖南湘江新区是中部首个国家级新区,是促进中部地区崛起、推进长江经济带建设、加快内陆地区开放发展的重要平台,承担了“三区一高地”的重要使命。2017年,新区实现地区生产总值2208.85亿元。图为湖南湘江新区梅溪湖艺术中心。(来源:湖南省人民政府网站)
