Tea Picking in Hengnan丨衡南:清明时节采茶忙

  新华社   2019-04-08 10:10:26

↑4月7日,在衡南县宝盖镇扶贫基地茶场,当地村民采摘春茶(无人机拍摄)。新华社发(曹正平 摄)On April 7, the local villagers picked spring tea at the tea fields in the poverty-stricken base of Baogai Town, Hengnan County. (Photo by Cao Zhengping/Xinhua News Agency)

↑4月7日,在衡南县宝盖镇扶贫基地茶场,当地村民筛选、摊晾采回的茶叶(无人机拍摄)。新华社发(曹正平 摄)↑ On April 7th, in the tea field of the poverty alleviation base in Baogai Town, Hengnan County, the local villagers choose and spread the tea leaves. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Cao Zhengping/Xinhua News Agency)

↑4月7日,在衡南县宝盖镇扶贫基地茶场,当地村民采摘春茶。新华社发(曹正平 摄)On April 7, the local villagers picked spring tea at the tea fields in the poverty-stricken base of Baogai Town, Hengnan County. (Photo by Cao Zhengping/Xinhua News Agency)

↑4月7日,在衡南县宝盖镇扶贫基地茶场,一名村民采摘春茶。新华社发(曹正平 摄)On April 7, the local villagers picked spring tea at the tea fields in the poverty-stricken base of Baogai Town, Hengnan County. (Photo by Cao Zhengping/Xinhua News Agency)

↑4月7日,在衡南县宝盖镇扶贫基地茶场,当地村民采摘春茶。 清明时节,湖南省衡南县宝盖镇扶贫基地茶场进入春茶采摘高峰期,村民趁着晴好天气采收春茶。近年来,当地将发展有机茶产业作为脱贫攻坚的重要举措,通过建立扶贫基地茶场,让部分群众在家门口就业,增加收入。 新华社发(曹正平 摄)On April 7, the local villagers picked spring tea at the tea fields in the poverty-stricken base of Baogai Town, Hengnan County. During the Qingming period, the tea field of the poverty-stricken base of Baogai Town, Hengnan County, Hunan Province entered the peak of spring tea picking, and the villagers harvested spring tea in good weather. In recent years, the local development of the organic tea industry as an important measure to get rid of poverty, through the establishment of poverty alleviation base tea fields, allowing some people to work at home, increase income. (Photo by Cao Zhengping/Xinhua News Agency) Translated by Yang
