In pics丨组图:烟花民乐写就长沙灿烂诗篇

  新湖南客户端   2019-04-01 09:52:11

The Third International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Roads kicked off. The Opening Ceremony of the Forum took place on Sunday evening (March 31).

新湖南客户端3月31日讯(记者 周杨)今晚,第三届“一带一路”青年创意与遗产论坛在湖南长沙新华联铜官窑文化园隆重开幕。2019长沙媒体艺术节同期举行。

The audience was treated to a stunning cultural performance "Original Changsha", showcasing different aspects of culture in this creative city.


This cultural performance connected Changsha and the world through fireworks and traditional music. Through digital light and audio technology, artifacts with strong Huxiang culture displayed, such as the fireworks, the kiln fires, walls, tiles, doors, lakes and streets.

The performance connected between "the ancient and modern"; between "China and foreign countries"; and between "you and me".

Through the integration of traditional culture and modern technology, the charm and confidence of Changsha was conveyed to the world.

这场艺术秀以“连接”立意,攫取 “烟花”与“乐”两张中国面向世界的国际名片;以“窑火与焰火的千年之约”为缘起,依托数字光影声技术,展示一墙一瓦、一门一扇、一湖一街等具有浓厚的湖湘文化气质的器物,以器遇人,以光遇城,连接起“古今之间”“中外之间”和“你我之间”,呈现长沙连接世界的独特气质,彰显媒体艺术之都的精髓。

Translated by Yang

Revised by Wang yaobing; Mengyao



