Local News丨秋雨出行 注及时添衣保暖

记者 徐行   湖南日报社新闻影像中心   2019-10-13 18:50:56

On the morning of October 12, autumn, people travel in the wind and rain on the streets of Changsha.

According to the Hunan Meteorological Observatory, it is expected that cold air will strike in the coming week, and rainy weather will occur in Western Hunan and north of central Hunan.



Affected by the strong cold air, the temperature will go down all the way, with a cooling range of 8-10 degrees Celsius and 12 degrees Celsius in some areas, and the low temperature will continue until the 17th of this month.

The public needs to add clothes and keep warm to prevent diseases.

Photo by Xu Xing/Hunan Daily

受较强冷空气影响,各地气温将一路走低,降温幅度 8~10 ℃,局地可达 12 ℃,并且气温低迷的状况将一直持续到 17 日。

公众需注意及时添衣保暖,预防疾病发生。湖南日报记者 徐行 摄

On the morning of October 12, autumn, people travel in the wind and rain on the streets of Changsha. Photo by Xuxing

10月12日晨,长沙街头,人们顶着秋风秋雨出行。湖南日报记者 徐行 摄

On the morning of October 12, autumn, people travel in the wind and rain on the streets of Changsha. Photo by Xuxing

10月12日晨,长沙街头,人们顶着秋风秋雨出行。湖南日报记者 徐行 摄

On the morning of October 12, autumn, people travel in the wind and rain on the streets of Changsha. Photo by Xuxing

10月12日晨,长沙街头,人们顶着秋风秋雨出行。湖南日报记者 徐行 摄



