New Year Firework Show丨焰火庆新年

傅聪   湖南日报社新闻影像中心   2020-01-02 10:20:17

1月1晚,绚丽的焰火在长沙市橘子洲景区上空绽放。当晚,“沁园春·长沙”——冬之韵元旦焰火晚会在该景区举行,庆祝2020年到来。 湖南日报记者 傅聪 摄

On the night of January 1st, a gorgeous firework bloomed over the Orange Island Scenic Area in Changsha.

That night, "Qinyuan Spring · Changsha"-the New Year's Day Fireworks Show in Winter, was held in the scenic area to celebrate the arrival of 2020. 

Photo by Hunan Daily reporter Fu Cong

1月1日晚,市民站在湘江江滩公园欣赏焰火。当晚,2020年长沙第一场焰火“沁园春 长沙”——冬之韵元旦焰火晚会举行,光彩绚烂的焰火万簇齐发,为市民和游客送上新年祝福。湖南日报记者 辜鹏博 摄

On the evening of January 1, people stood in Xiangjiang Jiangtan Park to watch the firework show. 

That night, in 2020, the first fireworks show to celebrate new year in Changsha, "Qinyuan Spring Changsha", was held. Photo by Hunan Daily reporter Gu Pengbo

1月1日晚8时30分,主题为“沁园春·长沙·冬之约”的2020年元旦焰火晚会在橘子洲如约绽放,与广大市民一起幸福相约2020。郑晓光 摄

At 8:30 pm on January 1st, the 2020 New Year's Day fireworks show with the theme of "Qinyuan Spring · Changsha · Winter" bloomed on Orange Island as promised and met with the general public in 2020. 

Photo by Zheng Xiaoguang


当晚,2020年长沙第一场橘洲焰火“沁园春·长沙”——冬之韵元旦焰火晚会举行,为市民游客献上新年祝福,用火树银花的灿烂描绘星城之美。湖南日报记者 郭立亮 摄

At 8:30 pm on January 1st, the 2020 New Year's Day fireworks show with the theme of "Qinyuan Spring · Changsha · Winter" bloomed on Orange Island as promised and met with the general public in 2020. 

Photo by GuoLiliang/Hunan Daily



