Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway Construction in Full Swing

  湖南日报·新湖南客户端   2024-08-13 15:20:54

On August 12, the Shuitianba Town section of the Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway was under construction in Shuitianba Town, Longshan County. The Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway is an important section of the national G5515 expressway, connecting Hunan's Zhangjiajie and Sichuan's Nanchong. The Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway features a two-way four-lane design and spans a total length of 61.5 kilometers. Upon completion, an expressway network will be formed in northwestern Hunan, linking Hunan with Hubei, Chongqing, and Sichuan. It will be of great significance to the development of the regions in the west of Wuling Mountain. (Photo/Zeng Xianghui)

On August 12, the Shuitianba Town section of the Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway was under construction in Shuitianba Town, Longshan County. The Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway is an important section of the national G5515 expressway, connecting Hunan's Zhangjiajie and Sichuan's Nanchong. The Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway features a two-way four-lane design and spans a total length of 61.5 kilometers. Upon completion, an expressway network will be formed in northwestern Hunan, linking Hunan with Hubei, Chongqing, and Sichuan. It will be of great significance to the development of the regions in the west of Wuling Mountain. (Photo/Zeng Xianghui)

On August 12, the Shuitianba Town section of the Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway was under construction in Shuitianba Town, Longshan County. The Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway is an important section of the national G5515 expressway, connecting Hunan's Zhangjiajie and Sichuan's Nanchong. The Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway features a two-way four-lane design and spans a total length of 61.5 kilometers. Upon completion, an expressway network will be formed in northwestern Hunan, linking Hunan with Hubei, Chongqing, and Sichuan. It will be of great significance to the development of the regions in the west of Wuling Mountain. (Photo/Zeng Xianghui)

On August 12, the Shuitianba Town section of the Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway was under construction in Shuitianba Town, Longshan County. The Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway is an important section of the national G5515 expressway, connecting Hunan's Zhangjiajie and Sichuan's Nanchong. The Sangzhi-Longshan Expressway features a two-way four-lane design and spans a total length of 61.5 kilometers. Upon completion, an expressway network will be formed in northwestern Hunan, linking Hunan with Hubei, Chongqing, and Sichuan. It will be of great significance to the development of the regions in the west of Wuling Mountain. (Photo/Zeng Xianghui)

This article is from Hunan Provincial Government.





