当马卡龙遇上月饼 看看法国当地人怎么过中秋节 When Macarons Meet Mooncakes: See How the French Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

  湖南日报·新湖南客户端   2024-09-11 16:56:05

湖南日报·新湖南客户端9月11日讯(记者 冯宇轩 摄影邓正可 实习生邓湘军)随着中秋佳节临近,不仅是中国,世界各地的人们也关注着这个象征团圆的节日。在法国,不少热爱中国文化的老外也过起了中秋节,让我们一起听听当地华侨、留学生和法国友人与我们分享中秋节的特别体验。

As the Mid-Autumn Festival draws near, not only in China but also around the world people are paying attention to this holiday that symbolizes reunion s . In France, many locals who are passionate about Chinese culture are also celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. Let’s listen to the special experiences shared by overseas Chinese, international students, and French friends to celebrate this cherished festival.


In early August this year, a Hunan Daily Olympic correspondent visited Montargis , a beautiful small city in France, home to many international students. At MUSÉE HISTORIQUE DE l'AMITIÉ FRANCO-CHINOISE( Montargis Museum to commemorat e Chinese students work-study movement in France ) , we met Li Zihui, a Chinese student. This will be her second Mid-Autumn Festival in France. Living far from home, she recently stumbled upon a book by a French Sinologist specializing in Su Shi . When she saw the French interpretation of the famous line from Prelude to Water Melody : "May we all be blessed with longevity, though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon," she said, "my homesickness was immediately ignited." She hopes that her family and friends back in China will cherish this festival of reunion and share the beautiful moments together.


By the Seine River in Paris, the reporter interviewed Wen Fei, the president of the Hunan Chamber of Commerce in France. When talking about the Mid-Autumn Festival, she was particularly excited. "In the Chinese community in France, the traditional ways of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival haven’t changed. We still eat mooncakes and appreciate the full moon, and we share these customs to our French friends." Wen Fei, who has long been dedicated to cultural exchanges between China and France, has witnessed how Chinese festivals are increasingly going global . "The French call it the 'Festival of the Moon,' and they’re very interested in the origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival and in mooncakes."


In France, not just Chinese communit ies but also some French friends celebrate th is Festival. Curious about Chinese culture, they gather and share mooncakes as a dessert, which for them is the highlight of the celebration.


On the streets of Paris, the reporter also encountered a local French youth who spoke fluent Mandarin. Her Chinese name is Wei Wuxia, and she often participates in Mid-Autumn Festival events organized by her Chinese friends in Paris. “Mooncakes are delicious!” she said excitedly as she discussed the various flavors with the reporter. This September, Wei Wuxia will be heading to Shanghai for further studies, where she looks forward to having direct experience of a Mid-Autumn Festival in China . She reflected, whether in France or China, people are all admiring the same moon, which she sees as a cultural connection.


What we’ve found is that the Mid-Autumn Festival in France is no longer just a festival for C hinese communit ies . It has become part of the lives of growing French people. Sharing mooncakes and admiring the moon , these Mid-Autumn customs serve as bridges connecting different cultures, engaging more foreign friends who desire to experience the unique charm of traditional Chinese festivals.






