
    2024-09-23 17:24:41

9月22日,中南地区首家全息投影穿越剧《风华・长沙》在长沙市中山路青少年宫举行了首演仪式暨 “风华长沙” 全息投影剧场开业庆典。


总导演秦飞介绍,舞台剧从今年 5 开始筹划,8月18日演员剧组进场排练,历经一个多月最终呈现在舞台上。该剧运用全息投影技术,使整个剧场成为舞台,观众可换装以剧中角色进入剧场,共同参演。(来源:新湖南)

On September 22nd, the first holographic projection travelling drama "Fenghua Changsha" in central and southern China held its premiere ceremony and "Fenghua Changsha" holographic projection theatre opening celebration at the Youth Palace in Changsha.

The play focuses on the stories of Chen Shuxiang, Yang Kaihui, Lei Feng and Tian Han, four local revolutionary pioneers in Changsha when they were young. It focuses on the heroic youth sentiment and modern youth vision unique to Changsha. In just over an hour, the hometown of the great man and the famous city of Xiang and Chu was vividly presented to the audience through wonderful interpretation.

General director Qin Fei introduced the stage play from this year's 5 planning, August 18, the cast and crew into the rehearsals, after more than a month was finally presented on the stage. The play uses holographic projection technology to make the entire theatre a stage, where the audience can dress up and enter the theatre as characters in the play and participate in the performance together. (翻译:万姗姗)




