
    2024-09-24 18:04:43

听过借船出海的,没听过借田出海的。在越来越卷的张家界民宿圈,又上新花样了。位于武陵源区协合乡插旗峪的度假农庄张家界缦心联营店,依托成熟的金黄稻田,借田 “出海”,将一大批国外游客拉去“扮禾”,让他们体验了一把中国式丰收。

近百亩的稻田翻滚着金黄的稻浪,加拿大友人米歇尔和她的朋友们,换上土家族服饰,在田里体验摔打稻谷、捆扎稻子、扁担挑谷的 “中国式丰收”,玩得不亦乐乎。(来源:新湖南)

I've heard of borrowing a boat to go out to sea, but I've never heard of borrowing a field to go out to sea. In the increasingly competitive Zhangjiajie B&B circle, there are new tricks. The holiday farm Zhangjiajie Manxin Associates located in Wulingyuan District, Xiehe Township. Relying on the ripe golden rice paddies, borrowing the field "out to sea", will be a large number of foreign tourists to pull to "rice harvesting", so that they experience a Chinese-style harvest.

Nearly one hundred acres of paddy fields are rolling with golden waves of rice. Canadian friend Michelle and her friends, changed into Tujia costumes, in the field to experience wrestling rice, bundling rice, stretcher picking grain "Chinese harvest", play and have fun. (翻译:万姗姗)




