
    2024-09-30 17:31:50


今年的巴黎奥运会上,张雅怡与队友们凭借超强实力、默契配合、绝美身姿,上演了精彩动人的 “水上芭蕾”,勇夺花样游泳集体技巧自选项目金牌,实现了中国花游史上奥运金牌“零”的突破。张雅怡个人也完成了职业生涯“大满贯”,成为我省第一位集亚运会、世界杯、世锦赛和奥运会的花游“大满贯”运动员。(来源:新湖南)

"Paris Shines, Maxiao Prides!" "Yayi sister in my mind is a princess in the water." On 30th September, Sports Xiangjun's "Four into" activity went to Ma Yuan Ling Primary School in Kaifu District, Changsha. This is the alma mater of Changsha girl Zhang Yayi, the Olympic champion in synchronised swimming. Expectant students have prepared a "special gift", can not wait to give the champion sister.

This year's Paris Olympics, Zhang Yayi and her teammates with super strength, tacit co-operation, beautiful posture, staged a wonderful and moving "water ballet". They won the gold medal in synchronised swimming collective skill optional event, realising the breakthrough of "zero" Olympic gold medal in the history of Chinese synchronised swimming. Zhang Yayi individual also completed a career "Grand Slam", become the province's first set of Asian Games, World Cup, World Championships and the Olympic Games flower swim "Grand Slam" athletes. (翻译:万姗姗)




