
    2024-12-04 17:42:29

把朱红菱纹罗曲裾式丝绵袍、素纱襌衣、 T型帛画、皿方罍、人面青铜鼎、铜猪尊、狸猫纹漆食盘上的纹饰穿戴在身上,会是什么样?12月3日下午,湖南博物院学术报告厅内的“潇湘锦绣·汉服共创计划”汉服创享会,给出了异彩纷呈的答案。


What would it be like to wear the motifs on the ermilion Floss-Padded Gown Plain unlined gauze gown T-Shaped Painting on Silk “Min”Fanglei Bronze Ding with Human Faces Boar-shaped Bronze Zun Raccoon patterned lacquer food plate On the afternoon of December 3, the “Xiaoxiang Embroidery - Hanfu Co-Creation Plan” Hanfu Creation Meeting in the Academic Lecture Hall of Hunan Museum gave a colorful answer.

This Hanfu creation and enjoyment will bring together many Hanfu designers, non-genetic inheritors and Hanfu culture enthusiasts. They shared their designs of Chinese dresses, accessories and cultural and creative peripherals that combine elements of the many cultural relics in the Hunan Museum's collection. Dressed in straight trains, curved trains, horse-face dresses, four-breasted dresses, and ru skirts , which are a fusion of Hunan culture and modern elements, the models displayed headdresses, silk scarves, necklaces, and other ingenious creations, which were mesmerizing to the eye. (翻译:万姗姗)




