China Daily 2025-01-10 17:25:54
“得到”APP创始人罗振宇在2025跨年演讲中展示了一段视频:一位中年女性操着一口带有浓厚东北口音的英语,向海外网友推荐一款中国制造的太空舱移动房屋。她就是在TikTok上出了名的“铝小姐”(Miss Aluminum) 。
A woman from northeastern China has become a sensation on TikTok by selling Chinese-made space capsule mobile homes. Her videos gained popularity following a New Year's speech by Luo Zhenyu, the founder of the iget App.
Due to her frequent mentions of her products being made of aluminum, many online users affectionately refer to her as "Miss Aluminum" .
“铝小姐”的每一条视频都以一句热情洋溢的“hello boss”开场,紧接着,便像一位专业又贴心的导游,介绍太空舱移动房屋的结构、功能、装修和设计。因她经常在视频中提到该产品的材料是铝,所以不少网友亲切称她为“铝小姐”。
Each of Miss Aluminum's videos kicks off with a warm "hello boss" before she delves into detailed and personable tours of the space capsule mobile homes, showcasing their structure, features, decor , and design.
decor /deɪˈkɔːr/ 装饰
Despite Miss Aluminum's imperfect English pronunciation and occasional grammar mistakes, she confidently showcases the mobile homes. Thanks to her enthusiasm and self-assurance , her videos have garnered over 6.4 million views, more than 400,000 likes, and upwards of 10,000 comments.
“太空舱什么时候能送加拿大”“悉尼也想要”“加州已经连续三天留评论了”……“铝小姐” 的 评论区仿佛一个全球心愿池,世界各地网友们满是渴求的留言此起彼伏、层出不穷。
即便在圣诞节前夕,“铝小姐” 的热度也丝毫不减。网友Clementina在评论区虔诚许愿:“圣诞老人,我想要一台易通太空舱。”不少人希望把太空舱作为圣诞节的礼物。
Numerous viewers admired her work ethic and seek information on purchasing options. Some even earnestly wished, "Dear Santa, I want a capsule house," in the comments section on Christmas Eve.
有不少中国网友调侃, “铝小姐”用一句“hello boss”就“硬控老外”,凭借“散装”英语在海外社交媒体上闯出一片天地。
像“铝小姐”这样的厂家不在少数。熊先生是广东佛山一家门窗厂的厂长,深耕门窗行业30年。 近年来工厂的出口量不断增加,面对如此涨势,熊先生敏锐地察觉到,这是进一步拓展海外渠道、让工厂迈向更广阔天地的绝佳时机。
Mr Xiong, the manager of a door and window factory in Foshan, Guangdong province, is among the many merchants in China who, like Miss Aluminum, use TikTok to promote a variety of high-quality goods manufactured by Chinese factories to a global audience.
2024年5月,熊先生开始在TikTok上用英语宣传工厂产品。最初站在镜头前的熊先生,局促得像个初出茅庐的新手,操着生硬且带着浓浓中式口音的英语,只能说出 “window is good good”“come on call call” 这般简单直白的话语,甚至说出 “dear boss”时,脸颊都会微微泛红。
Starting in May of 2024, Mr Xiong began showcasing factory products in English on TikTok. Over time, he has grown more confident, and the scenes in his videos have become increasingly diverse. As word spreads through the videos, overseas customers have followed the online information to his store to browse and select products.
Numerous Chinese merchants, like Miss Aluminum and Mr Xiong, express their passion and confidence in their products, using TikTok as a simple and relatable platform to bridge the gap between China and the global market.
来源:China Daily