
  China Daily   2025-01-10 17:28:42


流感(influenza) 是一种影响人类呼吸系统的病毒感染,自去年12月以来,流感病例一直在上升。

Cases of influenza, a viral infection affecting the human respiratory system , have been on the rise since December.

respiratory system 呼吸系统

日前,中国疾控中心(Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention) 发布《全国急性呼吸道传染病哨点监测情况(2024年第52周)》,分析显示:全国门急诊流感样病例的流感病毒阳性率较上周上升6.2%;不同省份间流感活动水平有所不同,北方省份上升略明显,但仍低于去年同期水平。

The positivity rate among people visiting hospitals with flu-like symptoms rose 6.2 percent during the week ending Dec 29 compared with the week before, according to data released earlier this month by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 

“The prevalence of flu in northern provinces is more severe, but the overall level is lower than what was seen during the same period of the last flu season,” said the China CDC.

近期,流感高发,据中国疾控中心最新数据, 目前流感病毒阳性率 (positive rate) 持续上升,其中 99% 以上为甲流 ,流行株以A(H1N1)pdm09亚型为主。

Official data showed that the influenza A virus is responsible for more than 99 percent of positive flu cases nationwide. For the week ending Dec 29, about 99.7 percent of flu patients were infected by the strain .

strain /streɪn/ 种类



Influenza A, commonly known as "flu A", is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the influenza A virus. It is highly contagious , prone to mutation , being the major cause of widespread outbreaks. Almost every influenza pandemic has been caused by the influenza A virus, with a distinct seasonal pattern of onset .

acute respiratory infectious disease 急性呼吸道感染病

contagious /kənˈteɪdʒəs/ (疾病)接触性传染的

mutation /mjuːˈteɪʃn/ 突变,变异

pandemic /pænˈdemɪk/ (正式)大流行病

seasonal pattern 季节性特征

onset /ˈɒnset/ (尤指某种坏事情的)开始,发作


Typical symptoms include high fever, headache, fatigue , often followed by muscle aches. Although Influenza A has a certain self-limiting nature, it can lead to other complications , including severe conditions such as pneumonia , otitis media , myocarditis , and meningitis .

fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ 乏力

complication /ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ 并发症

pneumonia /njuːˈməʊniə/ 肺炎

otitis media /əʊˈtaɪtɪs/ 中耳炎

myocarditis /ˌmaɪəʊkɑːˈdaɪtɪs/ 心肌炎

meningitis /ˌmenɪnˈdʒaɪtɪs/ 脑膜炎


Cold is caused by various pathogens like rhinoviruses . It is less contagious, has no distinct seasonal pattern, with symptoms concerning nasal congestion , runny nose , sneezing , and coughing. In common cases, it does not cause fever or only result in a low-grade fever, with no systemic symptoms. The common cold generally resolves on its own within 5 to 7 days and rarely leads to complications.

pathogens /ˈpæθədʒən/ 病原体

rhinoviruses /ˈraɪnəʊˌvaɪrəs/ 鼻病毒

nasal congestion /ˈneɪzl kənˈdʒestʃən/ 鼻塞

runny nose 流鼻涕

sneezing /ˈsniːzɪŋ/ 打喷嚏


随着流感感染人数增多,抗流感药物的销售量也持续攀升,其中,一种名为速福达(玛巴洛沙韦)(baloxavir marboxil)的药物引发了抢购热潮,甚至有药店定价高达300元。由于只需一次服药即可快速缓解流感症状,速福达被不少人称为“抗流感神药”。

The drug baloxavir marboxil, sold under the brand name Xofluza, is approved for use among adults, as well as children age 5 and above. While the original market price per strip of Xofluza, comprising two 20 milligram tablets, is 222 yuan ($30) in China, the prescription drug is currently being sold at over 300 yuan on some e-commerce platforms.


Speaking about the surging demand for Xofluza, Sun Boyang, a pharmacist at Peking University People's Hospital, said that compared with another common flu medication called oseltamivir, baloxavir marboxil is easier to administer.

While oseltamivir—sold under the common brand name Tamiflu—is usually prescribed for five consecutive days, with a daily dosage of two tablets, Xofluza only needs to be administered once throughout the entire course of illness.


Wang Quan, a physician at Capital Medical University's Beijing Children's Hospital, said that any antiviral medication is most effective when administered within 48 hours of a confirmed infection.


As some concerned parents are stocking up on the relatively newer antiviral medication in anticipation of a drug shortage, Sun said that children infected with the flu virus should first be taken to a hospital for evaluation, and Xofluza should be administered only under professional guidance.

Pregnant or lactating women should also take special precautions while using this antiviral medication , the pharmacist added.

lactating /ˈlækteɪtɪŋ/ 哺乳的

precautions /prɪˈkɔːʃ(ə)n/ 预防措施

antiviral medication /ˌæntiˈvaɪrəl/ 抗病毒药物





来源:China Daily
