2025-01-24 16:09:24
湖南博物院 2025开年大展“聚宝之盆——新疆文物珍品展”正在展出。记者在逛展时发现,有好些新疆文物竟然和长沙马王堆汉墓的文物“撞脸”啦!
距今约 2800年的西周三角纹栽绒毯是世界现存最早的地毯,战国时期的虎形圆金牌是北方民族和草原文化中极具代表性的动物纹金饰典型器物,织有汉字吉祥用语的锦枕、手套巧妙地将文化与生活紧密相连,汉至晋时期的彩绘木棺上的图案与长沙马王堆汉墓出土的T形帛画图案有异曲同工之妙……各具特色的文物展现了多元文化的交流与融合,为人们了解新疆的历史与艺术提供了宝贵视角。(来源:新湖南)
Hunan Museum 2025 opening exhibition “Pot of Treasure - Xinjiang Cultural Relics Treasures Exhibition” is on display. Reporters strolling through the exhibition found that there are a number of Xinjiang cultural relics and Changsha Mawangdui Han Tomb artifacts are very similar.
About 2800 years ago, the Velvet Blanket with T riangular Pattern is the world's earliest surviving carpet.The T iger-shaped R ound G old M edal of the w arring s tates period is a typical piece of animal-printed gold jewelry that is very representative of the northern peoples and grassland culture. The brocade pillows and gloves woven with auspicious phrases in Chinese characters cleverly link culture and life. The motifs on the painted wooden coffins from the Han to Jin dynasties are similar to the T-shaped Silk Painting in Xin Zhui's Tomb in the Mawangdui Han Tomb in Changsha. The distinctive cultural relics show the exchange and fusion of multiple cultures and provide a valuable perspective on the history and art of Xinjiang. (翻译:万姗姗)