2025-02-11 16:36:01
最初经营鞋店时,肥娟毫无怨言地让孩子们在店里扎堆看电视;转行开小吃店后,为了让孩子们吃得放心,夫妇俩严格把控食材的采购,精心钻研每一道小吃的制作工艺。而孩子们也没有闲着,他们直接从“精神股东”变成了小店的“经营者”——有负责打听附近店铺价格的“市场总监”,有帮忙迎客、打包分装餐筷的“大堂经理”,还有提出用小塑料杯分装1元火鸡面的“产品调研员”。老板肥娟身上的松弛随性与孩子身上的稚气童真“一拍即合”,让“肥娟小吃店”就此成了人们心中的“快乐老家”。(来源:新湖南、华声在线 视频:向希 实习生 张家嫄)
Recently, Fei Juan and her husband sent out a video saying that they were about to go to Hunan to travel because they were invited by Hunan TV to sing at the Lantern Festival. Fei Juan has arrived in Changsha on February 9, she came to visit Orange Island, met enthusiastic tourists to take photos together, and also took photos in front of the statue of young Chairman Mao.
When she first started running the shoe store, Fat Juan let her children watch TV in the store without complaining. After changing careers to open a snack shop, in order to let the children eat at ease, the couple strictly control the procurement of ingredients, carefully study the production process of each snack. The children were not idle, they went straight from being “spiritual shareholders” to “operators” of the shop. There's the “marketing director” who inquires about prices at nearby shops, the “lobby manager” who helps welcome customers and packs and distributes chopsticks, and the “product researcher” who proposes to distribute $1 turkey noodles in small plastic cups. Boss Fei Juan's relaxed and easy-going nature and the childlike innocence of the children “clicked”, so that “Feijuan Snack Shop” has become a “happy home” in people's hearts.(翻译:万姗姗)